Neighbourhood Watch
We have a community-wide Neighbourhood Watch scheme covering the whole of Love’s Farm and we need everyone to get involved.
Neighbourhood Watch is a national initiative which aims to create strong, friendly, active communities where crime and anti-social behaviour are less likely to happen.
We’re already proud of the strength of community here on Love’s Farm, and in many ways Neighbourhood Watch just reinforces what we are already doing as neighbours.
What it means
Being a member of Neighbourhood Watch means being a good neighbour and caring about Love’s Farm. It doesn’t mean interfering in other people’s business; just that your neighbours will look out for you, your family, your home and your street and Love's Farm, and you will do the same for them.
In undertaking to give whatever support they can to help Neighbourhood Watch achieve its objectives, all members do whatever they can to make their neighbourhood safer and more secure.
Neighbourhood Watch sends a clear message that crime and anti-social behaviour is not tolerated in our community, and we undertake to work with the police by reporting issues that affect our neighbourhood.
How do I join?
We wish this was a bit easier... but this is outside our control. Please let us know if you have difficulty with the sign-up process. It's a two part process - first you have to get an account then, secondly, once you have your account,
it's very important that you join our scheme.
1) Go to and fill in your details
2) You'll be sent a verification email - you'll need to click a link to confirm your email address
3) Once your account is set up, log into it and go to the Scheme Admin area

4) In the 'Schemes Near You' dropdown on this page, find
Love's Farm Community
5) Join this scheme as a Member
6) Wait for your application to be approved
email our scheme co-ordinator if you have any problem signing up.
I'm signed up - what next?
Keep an eye on the Love's Farm Community Association website and Facebook page for any issues that might affect your street or our community.
Make sure you know your Street Rep. Find out if your street has its own Facebook page. Keep your Street Rep informed of any problems or issues that affect your street.
Report to the police any criminal or suspicious activity. Call 999 in an emergency or to report a crime in progress