Tree guard blitz!
Around 10,000 bushes and saplings were planted when Love's Farm was first landscaped, each with a tree guard. These are no longer needed after 3-5 years though; the plastic guards are ugly and not biodegradable. They can end up harming trees if left on too long, and when they split they can end up littering the green areas and blocking waterways. They all need to go!
Last spring a team of volunteers removed several thousand tree guards; we did a quick survey and there are fewer than 3,000 left to take out — so we can finish the job this spring!
This is a call to anyone on Love's Farm who cares about the environment and the beauty of our surroundings, to come out any weekend in February (and March if needed) and remove a section of tree guards.

The map above shows the number of guards remaining in 20 locations across the north of Love's Farm. Two people should be able to remove 100-120 guards in an hour. The video below demonstrates how to cut down the tree guard, separate the wooden stake from the plastic, and roll up several guards together.
All you need is a Stanley knife, gardening gloves and a can-do attitude! Email when you need a pile of guards to be collected. Thanks!
Jonathan Tame, 26/01/2022