Love's Farm House: construction imminent
Construction of our new community centre is due to start in the next few weeks. The contractor will take possession of the site on Kester Way (between Tesco and the football club) on 15 December, and construction will start in earnest on 5 January.
The building will include a hall, kitchen, seating area, meeting room, office and garden. There will also be a new pre-school facility on the same site. The building will be called Love's Farm House - or The Farm House to its friends.
Local residents have formed a charity that will manage the centre, fitting it out with furniture and equipment, setting hire prices, scheduling activities, managing bookings, hiring staff and everything else that's required to launch and run a successful community centre. We have a great team of volunteers but an even greater list of jobs ahead of us. If you want to be involved in making sure the centre is a success, we'd be delighted to welcome you on board. Please get in touch at
We're also keen to speak to people who want to run activities at the centre. The schedule is already filling up with sessions for pre-school and older children, exercise, yoga and dance classes, social events and support groups. We hope to keep weekends mostly free for private parties and one-off events. The building is due to be handed over to us in July, whereupon we'll need a bit of time to furnish and equip it. We hope to launch the centre with a big fanfare towards the end of summer.
Whether you're joining us as a volunteer, partner or customer, we're really looking forward to welcoming you to Love's Farm House.

Ben Pitt, 26/11/2014