Love's Farm Community Centre: Plans Unveiled

Love's Farm Community Assocation was invited to see the plans for the community centre that's coming to Love's Farm. Click the links below to view the plans for yourself in PDF format.
Floor plan Site plan
The Community Association has been working tirelessly with the council for many years, and we're delighted to have reached this important milestone. Funding has been secured and the plans will now be submitted for formal planning consent. The design includes a large hall, meeting room, kitchen, office and seating area. There will also be a pre-school with provision for 26 children. Construction is due to start in Autumn 2014 and be completed Spring 2015.
The event was held at the proposed site, just to the north of the Tesco/Barnardo's car park on Kester Way. It was attended by Cllrs Jason Ablewhite and Barry Chapman from Hunts District Council, Cllr Julie Wisson of Cambridgeshire County Council, members of the design team at HDC, the project manager, architect and contractor. We also had a great turnout from Love's Farm residents who have volunteered to help with the planning, management and day-to-day running of the centre.
Once construction is complete, Love's Farm Community Association will take on the management of the centre. However, we can't do it without the support of Love's Farm residents. Please click
here to tell us what kind of events you'd like to see happening at the centre. If you'd like to volunteer, please include your details at the bottom of the survey, or get in touch via the

Ben Pitt, 14/03/2014