St Neots TimeBank

St Neots TimeBank has just celebrated its second anniversary, which is a testament to the dedication of the co-ordinators Georgina and James Corley. Together with the TimeBank Volunteers, they have achieved recognition for their best working practices from the TimeBank UK Quality Charter Mark.
TimeBank is made up of volunteers offering their skills or abilities to others who may not have those particular skills or abilities. TimeBank coordinates those requesting assistance with those with the skills needed for the task.
Simply put, the job is carried out with the one providing the skills “earning” the time taken to perform the task in hand, the requesting party is deducted the time.
There is no limit to how much or how little time you decide to dedicate to the scheme. Any work you do and any time earned can be banked, and used by yourself to request assistance from others.
The beauty and simplicity of TimeBank is that no one is excluded due to lack of skills or abilities or age, as we all have something to offer. Subjects such as Art and Crafts, Office Skills, Home related skills, Tuition and a myriad of other skills from complex to easy.
The benefits are, particularly during times when financial restraints are evident, you would be able to help others or have work done that otherwise would be neglected.
The other benefits are personal satisfaction and the knowledge of assisting the community, as you would be able to help those who may simply want company or simple functions done which they are no longer able to do themselves, i.e change newfangled light bulbs, heating timers or shopping, through to more complex jobs that require a particular skill or ability.
Just visit the St Neots TimeBank site and contact the coordinators, or if you or someone you know does not have access to a computer please visit St Neots Library for details. Your Community needs you...
Email to register: