July - Brampton Wood, Priory Park Bedford, Wandlebury Park
Brampton Wood
(18 minute drive) is the second largest ancient woodland in Cambridgeshire (+900 years old). I do love a bit of free parking. The car park has space for about 10 cars, but it's better than nothing and just off the A1. We followed the perimeter walk that took about 1.5 hours, but only saw 4 people on route which is always a bonus. At the start of the walk you will find a hut containing leaflets and maps.
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Priory Park, Bedford.
(25 minute drive)- is just a mile outside Bedford but it feels like you are in the middle of the countryside. 360 acres, it has a large fishing lake with gravel walk surrounding it. I prefer gravel. It's a nice circuit, there was a windsurfer on the lake covered head to toe in wetsuit and hundreds of dog walkers. We passed the old Franciscan Priory walll, rebuilt after the Priory was destroyed. A nice walk, free parking.
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Wandlebury Park
On the edge of Cambridge. 110 acres of woodland and chalk. Only problem with the park is that there are no maps except at the entrance, nor any poo bins. However, it had plenty of trails and you can't get too lost. We walked by a gorgeous building. We were pretty much on our own for the entire walk.
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