Transport Survey

Public Transport - how can public transport at Love's Farm better suit your needs?

Travel and transport connections are a very important part of our everyday lives. As part of the application for Love's Farm Eastern Expansion Area, Gallagher Estates have been talking to Huntingdonshire District Council and the County Council about public transport at Love's Farm.

The bus service that currently serves Love's Farm was put in place before many of the residents of Love's Farm moved in. But it seems from passenger numbers that it does not carry enough passengers for it to continue long term without significant financial support. We’d like to understand why this is, and importantly, to understand what local residents need and want from a public transport service. We will use this information to help determine the future of local bus services and the information you provide will feed back to the County Council in their review of the existing service.

We would really like to understand your own travel patterns and needs and over the coming weeks will be issuing a survey for you to complete asking about your travel requirements, options and your experiences of using public transport whilst living at Love's Farm. We would be very grateful if you could complete the questionnaire which will be available both hard copy and online.

Look out for further information on the Love's Farm community website, March/April’s bi- monthly newsletter, and on Love's Farm Facebook page.