Street Reps

If you have a great idea on how to make your street a better place to live for you and your neighbours, then your Street Rep would love to hear from you. Or, if there's a problem on your street, or you have a question and don't know where to find the answer, then your Street Rep is the person to go to!
Your Street Rep can help on a range of issues and can bring problems to the attention of Love's Farm Community Association.
Street reps are volunteers who support your street by:
Helping to build community on your street
Welcoming new residents to your street
Ensuring the Love's Farm newsletter gets delivered on your street
Reporting problems or concerns affecting your street
Being the link between your street and the Love's Farm Community Association
Sharing their contact details so that you and your neighbours know who to get in touch with
Doing anything else they can think of to help make your street a better place to live!
You can find out if your street has a Street rep by
looking on the map or you can
send them a message.
If your street does not currently have a street rep, why not