Railway footbridge is open!

The new footbridge and lifts to the station were opened today after years of waiting. Love's Farm residents now have direct access to the station as well as step free access to the platforms, as well as a 24/7 connection to St Neots.
Dismantling of the old footbridge has already commenced.

Parking problems?
There is a widespread expectation that the new bridge will bring problems with commuters parking on Love's Farm to access the station. We are in discussions with Gallagher, Cambridgeshire County Council and the police to resolve this.
If you spot dangerous or illegal parking, or are inconvenienced by inconsiderate parking, we ask that you take photos that clearly show the problem and the registration plate of the offender. Ensure the date and time is recorded, and send the details (with photos) to
parking@ourlovesfarm.co.uk . We will compile these and send dossiers to the police, which will help make the case for restrictions to be imposed by Cambridgeshire County Council.
Pictures: David Wells.
Marcus Pickering, 19/02/2014